Friday, January 05, 2007

The Lotus One

She deserves
At least a line or three.

What's the use, really,
Of continental splotches
That mark her conquest
Of my nape?
They are eloquent
But sorely transient
Testament to her charms,
And my capitulation.
Moreover, they make no mention
Of my willingness in the wake
Of her Yesterday-waft,
And Tomorrow-we'll-see.

What we need are lines to speak
In smooth stone
Of how her generous words
Tread on each others' laces
Like schoolchildreninahurry.
And her giving giggles
Echo in their wake.

But what she needs
Is a quiet moment
To shampoo out her cares
And condition the clutter from her hair.


Anonymous said...

Nice one:O) i like the last lines the best.

Anonymous said...

Didn't know you write poetry so well! Who did you write it for?

Anonymous said...

*nudge nudge*