Thursday, March 02, 2006

'Tis the Season to be Jolly

There’s a joyous din in the forest eaves
And a spring in the fox’s trot.
The cottontail rabbit lies in repose
With the mink at their favourite spot.
The quails have abandoned their shrubbery fort
To frolic in playful ease,
And the badger returns from his longer winter snooze
To pick off accumulated fleas.
Why such a mood of festive glee?
You ask, does it stand to reason?
Shouldn’t they all be slinking in fear
At the start of hunting season?
But no my dear friends, the animals are safe
Free to have their fun.
The ones in danger are the hunters themselves,
Because Cheney’s got a gun.


Chandy said...

so that's where aerosmith got their song from in futurospect!

Tom Meade said...

It is always wise to build your poems around solitairy puns.

RTP said...

I guess a gun in Cheney's hand is worth 2 nukes in the Bush.

Jugular Bean said...

Hehehe! Good one!

Avalonian said...

@chandy- yeah, Steven and I have been pals for years.
@Tom- I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
@RTP- careful what u say, cos Bush
may just be monitoring these blogs, aye?
@Bean- thanks.